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Christmas Gifts

Top Christmas Gifts For Cannabis Growers/Fans!

As we welcome the December silly season, it’s also time to get some Christmas shopping done! But, what to buy your marijuana obsessed?

We spoke to our friends over at Zootly, South Africa’s best cannabis destination, to give us a few suggestions!

But always make sure to include some seeds with all your gifts this festive season.

Blumat Self-Watering

The Tropf-Blumat (or drip-Blumat) 12 Carrot Irrigation System is perfect for cannabis growers who are nursing their plants in containers.

As Zootly put it on their product write-up:

No need to spend hours with that old, retro sprinkler set you bought because you didn’t know any better. You know, those hours where you heat up pipes to bend and fit them together. This system just slots together and works.


The system also requires no batteries or timers. This is because it uses unique ceramic sensors and utilises a process called the tensiometer principle.

There are other Blumat products in the range and they vary slightly.

The Blumat Classic uses the same cone system as the Tropf-Blumat system to dispense water, but there’s no drip. No, the Classic feeds the plant with its ceramic cone.

With the Classic the water source can come from any container, as long as the feeder is in the water.

With the Blumat Easy, the water source is a plastic bottle that you fit straight to the top of the device.

Fabric Growing Pot!

We highly recommend buying fabric pots when growing cannabis. There are tonnes of benefits.

Which the guys at Zootly have summed up nicely for us!

Zootly Fabric Growing Pots’ porous fabric provides a range of benefits that enables optimal growing conditions. 

Namely air-pruning for your plant’s roots. Which encourages a healthy plant…


You can actually read more about their fabric pots, here. But what are you going to be putting into your pot? Soil!

Good Soil!

Buying quality soil means the difference between a fantastic crop, and an alright one.

We’d strongly recommend buying a bag of Freedom Farms’ Organic Classic blend.

The Organic Classic blend is formulated mainly for organic growing practices and organic nutrients. The Classic has a high Cation exchange capacity (CEC), higher active organic matter content, as well as a balanced semi-slow release organic nutrient component.


They also wrote a piece about the importance of good soil, here.

What else could you buy your cannabis friend for Christmas?

Quick Christmas Cannabis Suggestions!

The guys at Zootly have three great combo details to buy.

We think if you’re really willing to splash on your friend – go all out with the Grow Tent Combo!

In this pack you’ll be buying the California LightWorks SolarSystem 275. Which is the one of the leading LED grow lights in the market.

Along with an amazing Zootly LITE Tent!

Then if they’re just starting out, you might want to buy them the Zootly’s Nest kit.

It has a growing booklet as well!

Set yourself up for greatness with the Zootly Nest, the all-in-one growing kit. Your Zootly Nest comes with an instruction manual and all the nutrients you’ll need, measured out to a T, to grow your best bud, the first time round.


And that concludes this year’s Christmas shopping list!

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