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grow accessories

5 Grow Accessories You Must Have For Cultivating Cannabis

Whether you’re an expert or just a newbie to cultivating cannabis, you might be wondering what grow accessories you need? Well – stop wandering around the internet for answers and just read our top 5 suggestions.

All of these accessories are from Zootly, as they are our friends. ALSO they deliver to every corner of South Africa! Let’s get the ball rolling!


Something that most novice gardeners struggle to come to grips with is your plants need to be constantly cut back. Pruning your plant is vital for its health. Also, if you cut back properly, you can create a bushier plant that will yield a larger crop.

This being said, Zootly offers an amazing set of pruning scissors, the Oksinto PRO H420 Pruning Scissors. They are comfortable to use and come with a finger holder for easy grip.  Cast from Japanese Carbon Steel, that means these babies are sharp.

You won’t be able to cut back an oak tree with these, but they are perfect for the supple shoots on your marijuana plant.


Measuring humidity is important through every stage of growing dagga. This includes germinating, the veg stage, flowering, harvesting, and drying. Making sure that your plant, or entire crop, don’t develop mould is important if you want to get high on your own supply.

So, get have a hygrometer, it’s in your best interest.

Jewellers Loupe

While inspecting your cannabis, you might think to yourself, “I need to get a better look.”

Answering your prayers is a jewellers loupe. This is used to inspect trichomes so growers can determine the exact moment to harvest their magical plant.


Drying Net

Nothing guarantees a better harvest and smoke than drying your herb properly. While you can peg them up using the usual method, getting a drying net just makes it easier!

Especially the 8-tier net from Zootly that can dry your whole harvest in a cupboard!


What other grow accessories should a cannabis grower purchase? Well, next is the most expensive but totally worth it!

Grow Light

Nothing will help speed up your grow more than purchasing yourself a grow light. As an entry level light the Samsung LED Quantum Board is great.

While it’s not a full-spectrum light, you can purchase a California LightWorks SolarSystem rig!

So, what other grow accessories could you purchase?

What other grow accessories could you purchase?

Well, to be honest, anything you want. Just go and visit Zootly!

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